> On 16 Jan 2023, at 02:29, Adam Good <goodadamg...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On Sun, Jan 15, 2023 at 9:49 AM Hans Åberg <haber...@telia.com> wrote:
> As the full number of Turkish makam is very large, perhaps too many to have 
> in this file, there might be a turkish-makam-extended for the less common 
> ones.
> The turkish-makam.ly file contains if I remember correctly, key signature 
> definitions for just over 200 different makams. These I grabbed via various 
> sources (books and online) and contain many (mostly?) less known makams. If 
> anyone finds anything that's not in there let me know!

Fine! —Having them all in a single file is easier to use, and computers are so 
fast these days, it likely does not matter.

If one would wants to transition from the original “makam.ly 
<http://makam.ly/>” to ”turkish-makam.ly <http://turkish-makam.ly/>", what 
changes would be needed to be done (disregarding the MIDI tuning)? —There is 
“convert-ly” that might do the changes. It could then be deprecated and removed.

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