I sent that post on Monday August 24th at about 17:00 UTC. It never appeared on the list for reasons I do not know. For another trial I send that mail again.

I cannot tell you the reason
      #'( -5 -10 -15 -20)
does not work. But I can tell you how I do it:

\version "2.18.0"

five-bass = \stringTuning < b,, e, a, d g >

yourmusic = {
 \key g \minor
 r8 bes'8\1 bes'\1 bes'\1 r8 a'\1 a'\1 a'\1 r
      c''\1 c''\1 c''\1 r bes'\1 bes'\1 bes'\1
 r bes'\1 bes'\1 bes'\1 r a'\1 a'\1 a'\1 r
      d''\1 d''\1 d''\1 r d''\1 d''\1 d''\1
 r8 bes'8\1 bes'\1 bes'\1 r8 a'\1 a'\1 a'\1 r
      c''\1 c''\1 c''\1 r bes'\1 bes'\1 bes'\1
 r bes'\1 bes'\1 bes'\1 r a'\1 a'\1 a'\1 d''\1
      d''\1 d''\1 d''\1 d''\1 d''\1 d''\1 d''\1

\score {
 \new StaffGroup <<
 \new TabStaff <<
 %\set TabStaff.stringTunings = #'( -5 -10 -15 -20)
 \set TabStaff.stringTunings = #five-bass


That even works with \version "2.12.3".
If you really have a 6 string bass extend the string list. I think to
six-bass = \stringTuning <b,, e, a, d g c'>

Am 24.08.2015 22:12, schrieb Kevin Nowaczyk:
Thanks for the help everyone,

I would up changing the stringTungings line to:
\set Staff.stringTunings = \stringTuning <e,, a,, d, g,>
And everything works fine. However, I also tried the notaion:
\set Staff.stringTunings = #bass-tuning
but that didn't work. I'll have to figure that out at a later time.

All-in-all, I installed mediawiki with the Score plugin to show off a
few guitar tabs I transcribed a few years ago. If you're curious, the
first one (that now works) is here:

Thanks Again,
Kevin Nowaczyk
On Mon, 8/24/15, David Kastrup <d...@gnu.org> wrote:

 Subject: Re: Errors when using TabStaff with stringTunings
 To: "Kevin Nowaczyk" <beakerbo...@yahoo.com>
 Cc: lilypond-user@gnu.org
 Date: Monday, August 24, 2015, 12:36 PM

 Kevin Nowaczyk <beakerbo...@yahoo.com>

 > I have a lilypond file
 which used to parse perfectly well several
 > years ago.

 Run convert-ly -ed on the file.  At least on
 your example file, it
 upgraded the version
 successfully.  The resulting code is rather ugly
 but works.  You might want to look up the
 \stringTuning function in the
 manual in order to do this in a prettier way.


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