Am 15.01.2016 um 08:07 schrieb Carl-Henrik Buschmann:
> I'm working on a lead sheet but being a novice i'm hitting my head
> against the wall at some noob problems. 
> Bar 1) 
> Stemlets. Do it have to be this hard creating them? Is there a way to
> make it global? Also, i want the stemlet to reach down towards the
> rest. How?

  \override Stem.stemlet-length = 2
play around with the value and see if that's what you want.
> How do i make custom rehersal marks?
> When using \markup { ... } the whole score looses it layout and to add
> insult it does not display any text. I must have done something wrong.

It's not really clear what you want to achieve.
If you want some text instead of the boxed letter you can write
  \mark \markup { Some text or markup commands }

But if you're looking for printing some additional text somewhere then
you have to attach the \markup to some music, like

  r8 -\markup { Some text }

Instead of the hyphen you can also use ^ or _ to force the markup to be
above or below the staff.

> Bar 8)
> Why does the double barline not exend equaly through both staffs?

Obviously this is because you have made the lower staff smaller, this
also affects the barlines.
If you look closely you'll see that this also happens to the other barlines.

I'm not sure how to fix that, though. Maybe you can enlarge just the
barlines for the lower staff to revert the effect of \magnifyStaff.
OTOH it may also be that this is an issue that should/could be fixed
with \magnifyStaff (a very new function).

> Bar 37)
> Why does it not show a double bar line?

I *think* this is because the barline at the end of a line and the one
at the beginning of the next is semantically just one item. So the \bar
".|:" simply overwrites the \bar "||".

Don't know either how to fix, but there are tools to handle how items
are displayed around line breaks.

> And finally: I feel my score is a mess. How can i clean up/simplify my
> input? Also, inputing this takes alot of time considering how long use
> on inputing this in Sibelius (added as pfd). What can i do to speed
> this up? Help and encouragement is much obliged.

What one can say is basically: Be patient and learn. How long did it
take you to get to a state where inputting this in Sibelius takes you
less time? In a way the problem is that learning LilyPond is like
learning a new instrument as an adult. Factually it's not that hard and
progress is not so slow, but you're already used to what you can achieve
with the tools you're familiar with.

Some suggestions for your file.

is just a rest (as Kieren mentions I'm not sure if you really need the
music function for that).
There's no need to put all those barchecks in this case as it is
completely clear that you *do* have complete measures in between.
So at rehearsal mark B you could equally have written
  \comp31 r4
to reach rehearsal mark C.

Then you should put the manual breaks and the rehearsal marks in a
separate music variable (that is then used in parallel to the music). So
actually what you need in that part of the music (from B to the
beginning of F) would be:

\comp31 r4
\time 2/4
\time 4/4
\rs r4 r2
\comp15 r4
\comp31 r4

For the repeated written chords you could have made more use of  \repeat
unfold, and/or of the "q" shorthand for repeating the previous pitch/chord.

These are just some hints. If you get familiar with LilyPond input you
can use this kind of techniques and others to simplify the files and
speed the inputting process.
But as Kieren said: speed of music entry is not the primary selling
point of LilyPond.


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