Am 09.03.2016 09:52, schrieb Blöchl Bernhard:
Obviously does not understand the construct \tuplet 3/2
{ a8 a a }.

The use of patterns is completely wrong. Check the documentation how to use the construct correctly.

You have to change the architecture of your program completely!

\version "2.16.2"
#(define cPCheckForTies #f)
\include ""

rhythmPattern = {a16
                 %\tuplet 3/2 { a8 a a }
                 a16 a8 a4 a4} % a complex rhythm

scoreViolinI = \relative c'
 % \setOctave c' %this command is just an example and it does not exist!
  %\changePitch \rhythmPattern
  c d d d c b d e
  f g a b
  c d e f
  %\setOctave c'
  %\changePitch \rhythmPattern
  c d d d c b d e

    \new Staff
  \layout { }

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