On 14/08/17 16:00, David Bellows wrote:
> [copied to entire list, sigh]
> Hey Francisco,
> It looks really nice, congratulations!
> I was wondering if you could talk a bit about how you and the composer
> chose the license for this work. I license my stuff under a permissive
> CC license but still find it interesting when other composers do as
> well and wonder about their thought process.
> Thanks!
> Dave Bellows

First I offered my edition work for free, provided that it would be
freely available. The composer agreed. This alone implies that PDFs are
also available, because in theory anyone could render the PDFs for
themselves, so I thought why not to ship them as well? I wouldn't make
much difference. But to be honest, the part "anyone to render by
themselves" was not fully clear because LilyPond is not excessively
popular among musicians from our close environment.

Then I asked directly for the license of the work itself. My position is
to be clear on this point: all other rights are kept by the composer,
given that a 'strong' copyright is automatically applied to any creative
work, and the fact a PDF is freely downloadable does not mean he can not
benefit from recordings et cetera. He stated that he didn't want to
block people to play the work, be it for free or for profit.

The only concern is, what if someone tries to become rich and/or
prevents others to do the same? Here is where the All Rights Reserved
comes into place. That way he reserves the right to be asked when a use
of the material could potentially be outside of the limits of fair use.

I don't know if the license is perfectly well chosen, but the compromise
looks reasonably safe.

> On Mon, Aug 14, 2017 at 12:19 AM, Francisco Vila <paconet....@gmail.com> 
> wrote:
>> On 12/08/17 13:09, Francisco Vila wrote:
>>> Hello all,
>>> I'd like to share what I'm been working on lately.  Daahoud Salim, a
>>> young Spanish composer and pianist has been commited by the Grachten
>>> Festival Amsterdam to compose a short work for one main violin plus
>>> piano quintet (string quartet plus piano), named "Poem - History of
>>> Peoples", and it's going to be premiered tomorrow as a part of the
>>> festival programme.
>>> Players will be Rosanne Philippens (soloist, and dedicatee) and the
>>> Aristos Quartet with D. Salim itself on the piano (links below).
>>> Of course, what is relevant to LilyPond is that I offered to prepare
>>> all the playing materials as a copyist from the composer's manuscript
>>> (a PDF from Finale) as well as a score for a potential publishing.
>>> It's my first work of copying I can label as serious. Many
>>> difficulties arose and technical challenges were present, but I
>>> learned a lot from the whole process and the result is very
>>> satisfying.
>>> My work of typesetting is licensed as CC-BY-SA and all the code and
>>> rendered PDFs are freely avalilable for downloading. The work itself
>>> is also free to perform and redistribute. I will share a link to the
>>> whole thing (not before the premiere, though). So, stay tuned! I will
>>> thank any comments.
>> Hello; as promised, here is the link: https://goo.gl/oauPWL but please
>> bear in mind that the composer has found some changes to be done and
>> therefore the version is not final. Read the history.txt file to know
>> what latest changes are.
>> Kind regards,
>>> Grachtenfestival Amsterdam
>>> Poem: History of Peoples
>>> https://www.grachtenfestival.nl/concert_detail.vm?id=3379
>>> Sunday 13 August / 20:30
>>> Muziek
>>> Salim, D.: Poem: History of Peoples
>>> Chausson, E: Poème
>>> Ravel, M.: Violin Sonata no. 2 in G major
>>> Daahoud Salim
>>> piano, composer
>>> https://www.grachtenfestival.nl/musician_detail.vm?mus=43576&lang=en
>>> Rosanne Philippens
>>> violin
>>> https://www.grachtenfestival.nl/musician_detail.vm?mus=7906
>>> http://www.rosannephilippens.com/
>>> Aristos Quartet
>>> https://www.grachtenfestival.nl/musician_detail.vm?ens=8711&lang=en
>>> http://aristosquartet.nl/home/
>>> Evelien Jaspers - Dmitry Ivanov - Sylvain Dessane - Otto Bakker
>> --
>> Francisco Vila. Badajoz (Spain)
>> paconet.org , csmbadajoz.com
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Francisco Vila. Badajoz (Spain)
paconet.org , csmbadajoz.com

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