>>>>> "David" == David Wright <lily...@lionunicorn.co.uk> writes:

David> On Wed 25 Oct 2017 at 13:34:04 (-0700), Flaming Hakama by
David> Elaine wrote:

>> I was hoping for something more organic to lilypond, that is text-
>> and command line-based.
>> Does anyone have any suggestions for a workflow to accomplish this,
>> or what tools to look at?

David> I used to use psnup, psbook and suchlike, which looked after
David> computing the page ordering. But I don't work with .ps files
David> any more, only PDFs, so now I use pdfjam and pdftk; the former
David> for tiling, scaling and shifts, the latter for things that
David> involve whole pages.

For a simple approach try pdfbook which provides an easy-to-use
wrapper for pdfjam.

Peter C

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