On 11/17/2017 5:59 PM, Brett M. Gilio wrote:
How many Linux users are out there in the Lilypond community? Do any of
you use other type-setting software such as LaTeX or Csound rather than
graphical tools?


Hi Brett,

I use LilyPond on a Linux Mint XFCE machine and I love it. I was a Windows user for many years and while I still use my Win10 box for some audio tasks occasionally (DAW), my engraving is 99.9% done on Mint. The exception being when someone needs me to submit a Finale file for a specific project.

I used Csound as an undergraduate but couldn't really wrap my head around it at the time. However, I did fall in love with Pure Data and I use that in my projects quite often. I use LaTeX and LilyPond only when writing documents or handouts for educational purposes.

What graphical tools did you mean, like GUI sound design programs - or programming...?

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