Hi bb,

Do you simply want 17/16? I use times like this very often. Just use \time
17/16 and you will get barlines.

But I think you are algorithmically generating the notes and durations, in
which case, why can't you also generate the /time commands for each section
where you want a particular time signature?

My hand written pieces often change time sig every bar, and with any sort
of signature you like - lilypond handles that just fine, and places
barlines as expected. I use 15/16 commonly. Not a problem. And in fact I
hide the time signatures (for reasons not relevant to this topic) so you
can do that too if you want, and still have barlines.

This is a deeply nested thread so it's hard to read. Apologies if I have
entirely missed the point!


Again old arguments. Imagine two experiments:

> Case 1: I set an arbitrary bar (the manual calls it "bar check")
> \version "2.19.80"
> \relative { d''4  cis8  c8  b8. ais8  a  gis | }
> That enables lilypond to checking the bar content and tells me in this
> case that the check failed ...
> 17/16 is > 4/4
> Case 2: lilypond is setting the barline on the same position
> (wrong/critcal, however you might call it)
> \version "2.19.80"
> \relative { d''4  cis8  c8  b8. ais8  a  gis  }
> The bar content is 17/16>4/4 again and tells NOTHING!
> As there is set a barline lilypond can check the bar content and ....
> Nobody has explained me why in this case lilypond should not be able to
> use its algorithm to find 17/16 ? The algorithm is existing - use it for
> this as well!
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