On 18.03.2018 12:17, Malte Meyn wrote:
> Am 17.03.2018 um 20:01 schrieb Lucas Werkmeister:
>> Can confirm, coredumpctl shows loads of t1asm core dumps (no idea why
>> there’s no error message in the terminal), and downgrading to t1utils
>> 1.39 fixed the problem (1.40 seems buggy as well). Thanks for the info!
> I’m back from Lisbon and can confirm that downgrading to 1.39 works :)

It turns out this is a known bug [1] and a fix is already available in
the source code repository, there just hasn’t been a release with that
fix yet. Arch users can install t1utils-git from AUR [2] instead of
downgrading t1utils.


[1]: https://github.com/kohler/t1utils/issues/8
[2]: https://aur.archlinux.org/packages/t1utils-git/
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