Old Time fiddler's and Mozart have been known to use scordatura. I'm
currently away from my computer and my music, but I believe the original
viola part for the Mozart violin/viola concerto was in scordatura. Not
complicated, just up a half tone, and Mozart wrote the part the way it was
to be fingered (i.e., play it like it looks, and it'll sound right). I hope
that makes sense.

When Ruth Porter Crawford was doing transcriptions for "America Sings", and
she transcribed William Stepp's "Bonaparte's Retreat", she transcribed it
twice: once as it sounds, and once as fingered (in Stepp's tuning) as if
the fiddle was tuned "normally". Make sense? (Aaron Copland later lifted
Stepp's version note for note, without, as far as I know, giving Stepp any

Hope this helps,


Ralph Palmer
Brattleboro, VT, USA

On Tue, Apr 10, 2018, 4:10 PM Menu Jacques <imj-...@bluewin.ch> wrote:

> Hello folks,
> String instruments sometimes use scordaturas: I’ve wondered how this is
> noted in modern scores, but couldn't find examples on the Internet.
> Can anyone give pointers to actual scores showing that?
> Thanks!
> JM
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