On 7/13/2018 9:29 AM, Ben wrote:
Is there a way to input the notes in a better way to anticipate this 'bug' in partcombine?

I won't claim a "better way," but I'm used to considering each appearance of a partcombine text (like "Solo" or "a2") as suspicious and calling for closer inspection to see if the part combiner met expectations or not. My audiences aren't used to seeing such texts, so I want them gone regardless. I pretty much do what Kieren MacMillan explained about \partcombineApart. Here's how my style would have it:

\version "2.19.80"

fluteone = \relative {
   e'4( f g a) |
   % Only need one note de-combined; use \once
   \once \partcombineApart r4 f4 g f |
   c'2~ c2 |
   f8 f e e f r f f |
   % Several notes to de-combine, no \once...
   \partcombineApart r1 |
   f4 g g g |
   % ...done. Set combining back to default.
   \partcombineAutomatic c4 c c

flutetwo = \relative {
    c'2( d) |
    e2 f |
    r4 e r g |
    c2 c2 |
    c,4 c c c |
    r1 |
    c''4 c c

  \new Staff \with {
    instrumentName = #"Flute 1.2"
    shortInstrumentName = #"Fl. "
  % During the version 2.19 series,
  % \partcombine gained the ability to specify which intervals
  % get combined. From 2 to 9 notes apart works well for my SATB/TTBB
  % hymnal music, other kinds of music may have different preferences.
  { \partcombine #'(2 . 9) \fluteone  \flutetwo }

Karlin High
Missouri, USA
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