Am 28.12.18 um 04:54 schrieb Saul Tobin:

When using a context like MarkLine for tempo marks, if the staff immediately below the MarkLine is hidden but contains rhythmic activity, and if BOTH Y-offset and extra-spacing-width are overridden for MetronomeMark, the first rhythmic column will stretch to the width of the tempo mark.

That sounds like a really special case: MarkLine context AND hidden Staff AND this staff contains notes (why is it hidden then?) AND Y-offset is set AND extra-spacing-width is set …

Is this a bug?

I’m not sure, maybe it’s expected behaviour in many cases and only your case is so special that it looks buggy even if it’s consistent.

Using \markLengthOn instead of \override MetronomeMark.extra-spacing-width = #'(0 . 0) works for me. Would that help in your use case?

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