Dear Urs, dear Friends

In general, I've started the adoption of LSR snippet 967 in a
development branch of my harmonyli lib ( This snippet isvery well 
designed and written. 

> Klaus Blum is listed in that LSR snippet as the author, and he
> happens to be the maintainer of the anaLYsis package, BTW.

Does anyone has his mail address? I would like to discuss / learn, how
his function fExtend works. Or does anyone know, how this methods

> The anaLYsis package has pretty sophisticated modules for frames and
> arrows, but the "harmony" module has only been created as a stub,
> storing some stuff from that mailing list thread for future reference
> (in the `harmony-initial` branch).

The analysis package is a challenge for me:

a) It is licensed under GPL. I think this is not appropriate for music.
In a few days I will write a little article about this topic. But
without changing that license I cannot contribute to it.

b) I did not find an example, which can be downloaded and be compiled
without additional 'installation steps'. And unfortunately, also the
home page of openlilylib is forthe moment more a frame than an
information source. Where can I get such a tutorial?

> I would love to see that module be functional, especially since I
> urgently need a solution to update a bunch of music examples in a
> large document, but I haven't found the time to look into it yet. So
> I'd be more than willing to collaborate on that.
I think we won't need much time to modify the one source file into a

> As I wrote in a previous reply such a package will eventually have to
> support multiple (if not arbitrary) styles of formatting analysis
> symbols. However, that doesn't mean that one has to get everything
> right at once. It is sufficient to have such extensibility and
> flexibility in mind right from the start.
Do you have any other needs I should consider?

with best regards Karsten

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