I am finding this thread weird, sorry. There's a huge amount of help in the
archives of this list in how to install and run openlilylib. A quick search
would show that. It's a sort of FAQ.

Also, lilypond is GPL, so does the following mean you are therefore not
able to even use the program Karsten?

On Tue, 29 Oct 2019 at 06:20, Karsten Reincke <k.rein...@fodina.de> wrote:

> a) It is licensed under GPL. I think this is not appropriate for music.
> In a few days I will write a little article about this topic. But
> without changing that license I cannot contribute to it.
> I fail to understand this. How can an open source licence not be
appropriate for music? I don't think the lilypond licence is going to be
changed in the present or near future as lilypond is a GNU open source
project. The Documentation is licenced under the GNU Free Documentation
Licence. Do you think this is inappropriate also?

I'd be happy to help out with answers to questions but if your fundamental
position about the whole project is like this it does really not seem that
installation matters until you are comfortable with what lilypond is, open
source software.

Or are you trying to make a commercial analysis product using lilypond,
hence your licence issues?


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