On 10/29/19 11:28 PM, Solomon Foster wrote:
"Christopher R. Maden" <cr...@maden.org> writes:
The important part is to have files for each tune that define all
the info but which don’t actually *do* anything.  That gives you
the flexibility to do different things with that info in different

Is there a technical reason to do this, or is it purely for your organizing? I ask because I'm autogenerating my Lilypond from ABC
anyway, so my typical approach would be to do different contexts by
tweaking the ABC -> Lilypond translator.

Yes. If one file does something (like has a \score block), then if I include it, I’ll get that score at the point where the file is included. So if I have information I want to use in more than one context, I should isolate it in a file that generates no output, and have any output generation in discrete files.

I have a helper file called tunes.ly which handles layout and
making a MIDI of a dozen instruments playing in unison.

That would be very interesting to see, I think?

It’s at <URL: http://music.maden.org/images/9/90/Tunes.ly >.

PS chanteyman, eh?  https://whiskyandwater.wordpress.com/

Cool! We certainly know people in common — I opened for Tom Kastle a few years ago. I am a Working Chanteyman sometimes at Mystic Seaport Museum in southeastern Connecticut (and any ’Ponders who find themselves in the area should definitely say hi), and just got back from giving a concert at the San Francisco Maritime National Historical Park. The Draken Harald Hårfagre, which I guess you saw at Bay City Tall Ships, is currently berthed at Mystic.

Chris Maden, text nerd & chanteyman
<URL: http://crism.maden.org/ >
<URL: http://music.maden.org/ >
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