Am So., 10. Nov. 2019 um 13:14 Uhr schrieb Karsten Reincke
> Dear friends;
> I've just published the release no 0.91 ( 
>  ) of the library for integrating
> Functional Harmony Analyse Symbols into a music score as it is used by
> musicologists.
> A fixed the bug, Werner found. And I made the string between the Symbols and 
> the
> opening reps. closing bracket condigurable which indicate an Intermediary 
> Function
> / Chord .
> Any other test results and bug reports are welcome.
> with best regards Karsten
> --
>   Karsten Reincke    /\/\   (+49|0) 170 / 927 78 57
>  Im Braungeröll 31   >oo<
> 60431 Frankfurt a.M.  \/


nice work.
Haven't tried to use it so far, but regarding the example-images, I
stumbled across things like:
Ofcourse decades passed since I learned functional analysis... But I
was told to write something like:
A:   DD̸
As: D̸    [S]
I.e in a column.
Is the graphic you show how it's done nowadays or is due to coding-complexity?


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