On Sun, 2019-11-10 at 14:37 -0700, Klaus Blum wrote:
> Hi Karsten, 
> Karsten Reincke-2 wrote
> >  'crossout' and 'double' should increase the margin/paddding
> > values of the crossed out / doubled letter. But I do not have any idea,
> > how to do
> > that on the 'Lilyond' - Level. So, any hint is appreciated.
> when I was writing the "double" function, I was heavily improvising because
> I didn't yet know the \overlay command (or it was not available in older
> LilyPond versions). 
> A more reliable way would now be: 
> % ----------------------------------------------------------------
> #(define-markup-command (double layout props letter)
>    (markup?)
>    (interpret-markup layout props
>      #{
>        \markup{
>          \overlay {
>            $letter
>            \translate-scaled #'(0.4 . -0.4)
>            $letter
>          }
>        }
>      #}))
> % ----------------------------------------------------------------
> The pair of numbers after \translate-scaled exactly defines the shift of the
> additional letter. 
> If you don't want additional parameters for the "\double" function, maybe
> the use of properties might be an option: 
> http://lilypond.org/doc/v2.18/Documentation/extending-big-page#on-properties
> I never tried that, but it looks interesting. 
> Does that help? 
> Cheers, 
> Klaus
> --
> Sent from: http://lilypond.1069038.n5.nabble.com/User-f3.html

Dear Klaus;

Many thanks for this proposal. It is ever better to use 'official' functions.

I've just tried to test your version. But it does not work, because my LilyPond
version 2.18.2, offered by Ubuntu 19.10, does not contain a function \overlay. I
have the hope, that the coming LTS Ubuntu version 20.04 will contain the newer 
2.19.x  - LilyPond. 

But I have copied your new version into the source code as an out commented
snippet and will publish it together with the next harmonyli.ly version. So, you
should be able to test it easily.

wbole-heartedly Karsten

  Karsten Reincke    /\/\   (+49|0) 170 / 927 78 57
 Im Braungeröll 31   >oo<  mailto:k.rein...@fodina.de
60431 Frankfurt a.M.  \/    http://www.fodina.de/kr/

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