A big "Hello" to this list!

I am new to Lilypond and worked through the intro documentation. My name is
Roland Hüttmann from Switzerland. I am an amateur piano player for almost
all genres, but mainly classical music, currently learning the Prelude and
Fugue IX of the Well Tempered Clavier Nr. 1 from J.S.Bach, (BWV 584).

In coding I have quite some experience mainly working with the free
community edition of which I very much enjoy this language and
believe it can be used in conjunction with Lilypond as it's text processing
capabilities are probably the best in the market and it is very easy to

My teachers in piano are concert pianists (Denis Zhdanov and Elina
Akselrud, both Lucerne, Switzerland). My aim here is mainly write
educational scores based on such teaching for beginners and advanced
students of piano, but maybe also assist in writing newly composed music.


I started to encode the Bach's Fugue Nr. IX in Lilypond. I stumbled over a
problem which I could not yet (as a beginner) solve. The music is
polyphonic with three distinct voices. There is a bass voice, a soprano
voice and an alt voice. The alt voice uses both clefs in the piano
notation: Tremble (G) and bass (F).

1. Do I have enter two voices for the tremble clef and two voices to the
bass clef since this alt voice is representedi n both clefs? I would prefer
to not having to do this to make the alt separate. It just shares both

2. At three occasions, the alt voice crosses both clefs in the middle and
the beam connecting the pitches of this voice must be beween both clefs or
also cross the clefs.

3. Besides coloring the different voices for better readability, I also
want to indicate fingering for each vfoice -- which changes for each voice
between left and right hand. How can I indicate which hand to use when a
fingering number is assigned? Here, this is quite important as it is not
always obvious. I want to either use an indication such as RH or LH (right
or left hand), or a certain style or color for the fingering.

Thank you in advance for any feedback.

Have fun and enjoy music

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