More progress (sorry for the train of thought... I hope I'm not wasting
anyone's time)... they get doubled when one is dotted, and they're joined
when one is not. That totally makes sense, and the composer was being
creative with blank space and stem alignment to make rhythm clear. I can
add in some key "s8"s here and there. But then, when both notes have the
same duration how can I make them doubled? :)

On Sun, Jun 28, 2020 at 3:17 PM <> wrote:

> Ok I messed around and in fact I did have a rhythm issue. My remaining
> question is about controlling whether or not notes double.
> With the following .ly file, I want only the first b' to be doubled. The
> c' in the second measure should not be.
> \version "2.18.2"
> \header {
>   title = "Pasillo No. 1"
>   composer = "Prof Francisco A. Velasquez"
> }
> <<
>   {
>     \time 3/4
>     \key g \major
>     r8
>     <<
>       \new Voice = "melody"
>       { \voiceThree
>         b'-0 cis''-2[ dis''-4] e''-0[ fis''-1] |
>         s4 c'''4. b''8 |
>         g8[ g'] e''4 r8 fis'' |
>       }
>       \new Voice { \voiceTwo
>         b'-3 ais'-3[ a'-1] g'-0[ fis'-3] |
>         s4 c'''8[ b'] g'[ b''] |
>         s4 e''8[ b'] g'[ fis''] |
>       }
>       \new Voice { \voiceFour
>         s2 s8 |
>         e4~ e2 |
>         g4~ g2 |
>       }
>     >>
>   }
> >>
> On Sun, Jun 28, 2020 at 3:04 PM <> wrote:
>> Hi lilypond folks,
>> I'm trying to make a cleaned up version of the score here:
>> (also attached).
>> The composer is being quite expressive with stems and the notation in
>> general, and I'd really like to replicate it.
>> Right away I've started running into trouble. On the very first note, we
>> have a doubled b. To a guitarist, that indicates that the note shall be
>> played on more than one string. In lilypond I am having no luck figuring
>> out how to make it do this.
>> In the second measure, there are three voices. The melody (c' b'),
>> accompaniment (c' b g b') (though the c' and b' are not doubled, those are
>> just two voices sharing a note), and the bass (e,).
>> Now I'm having the opposite problem as I ran into in the first note... I
>> *don't* want to draw the c' twice, I just want two different stems coming
>> out of it (seems to work ok for the b'). And then with the low e, I can't
>> figure out how to get the half note to align horizontally with the b' from
>> the first two voices. I am pretty sure I'm not just messing up the rhythm
>> in my notation, but I could be wrong.
>> Can anyone help me here? I'm embedding my .ly file below and attaching a
>> rendered pdf.
>> Also happy to have my markup style trounced on here, I'm mostly piecing
>> things together from snippets in the lilypond docs.
>> \version "2.18.2"
>> \header {
>>   title = "Pasillo No. 1"
>>   composer = "Prof Francisco A. Velasquez"
>> }
>> <<
>>   \relative d'' {
>>     \time 3/4
>>     \key g \major
>>     r8
>>     <<
>>       \new Voice = "melody"
>>       { \voiceThree
>>         b-0 cis-2[ dis-4] e-0[ fis-1] |
>>         r4 c'4. b8 |
>>         s4 e,4 r8 fis |
>>       }
>>       \new Voice { \voiceTwo
>>         b,-3 ais-3[ a-1] g-0[ fis-3] |
>>         s4 c''8[ b,] g[ b'] |
>>         g,,8[ g'] e'[ b] g[ fis] |
>>       }
>>       \new Voice { \voiceFour
>>         s2.
>>         e,4~ e2
>>         g4~ g2
>>       }
>>     >>
>>   }
>> >>

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