Hi Leszek,

> I would like to compile a full score and parts based on one file containing 
> musical definitions. I would like to put pagebreaks in specific places in the 
> full score, so that they would not operate when parts are compiled. The way 
> I'm doing it now is that I put a \pagebreak in one of the parts and use tags. 
> E.g. the oboe part "oboeMusic" may contain 
> \tag #'fullscoreonly { \pageBreak } 
> And in the full score the part figures in the score as 
> \keepWithTag #'fullscoreonly \oboeMusic
> while in the part file the part is compiled as 
>   \removeWithTag #'fullscoreonly \oboeMusic  
> I don't really like this solution; it's just not tidy... and I have to 
> remember which part I put the page breaks in. Are there any established 
> Lilypond practices for doing this? Is it e.g. possible to introduce some sort 
> of 'invisible part' on top of the rest which would just be used for editorial 
> stuff like this?

I highly recommend looking into the edition-engraver for this purpose — 
“editorial stuff” (including breaks/layout control) is its primary use case, 
and it handles that kind of thing spectacularly.


Kieren MacMillan, composer (he/him/his)
‣ website: www.kierenmacmillan.info
‣ email: kie...@kierenmacmillan.info

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