Thank you all for your helpful answers!

@Federico: I hope, you don’t take my criticism personally! I see Andrew has 
written upon what you wrote. That’s great! I’ll have to check how I installed 
Atom. If it’s in Ubuntu’s software center, I probably installed it from there 
(so it’s a snap, I suppose). Does it make any difference in the steps? And yes, 
Lilypond 2.20.

@Andrew: I’ll try your Ubuntu guide later. Thank you! I’m using Ubuntu 18.04., 
so your instructions should work.

Best regards,
On 1. Nov 2020, 11:03 +0100, Wols Lists <>, wrote:
> On 01/11/20 02:13, David Wright wrote:
> > If one
> > deals only with graphical applications, there is almost no scope
> > for a shell to make an appearance at all, so it seems strange, to
> > some, to involve the shell at login time.
> AIUI, the problem is made worse by the fact that - if you log in at the
> gui - the shell doesn't get invoked AT ALL until it's needed to run the
> command, at which point it's too late.
> Catch 22 - the shell gets run after the command is called, but the
> command needs the shell running first so the command-line knows where to
> find the command!
> Cheers,
> Wol

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