Le 31/03/2022 à 08:54, Jacques Menu a écrit :
Le 30 mars 2022 à 21:06, Valentin Petzel <valen...@petzel.at> a écrit :

For me changing the font make no problems. You might want to check if you have the relevant font files in the font path. Are you on Linux or Windows? Maybe
are some point something about font-config has changed.

About markFormatter: This one changed to rehearsalMarkFormatter, along with
adding formatter options for the all kinds of marks.

Thanks Jean and Valentin, that solves this issue. I’ve probably used an outdated convert-ly.

Any hint why the chord names don’t use the lilyjazz font?

\paper {
 #(define fonts
     #:music "lilyjazz"
     #:brace "lilyjazz"
     #:roman "lilyjazz-text"
     #:sans "lilyjazz-chord"
     #:chords "lilyjazz-chord"

#:chords is not, and as far as I can see has never been a valid
keyword argument to set-global-fonts. Are you using an include
file redefining set-global-fonts?

What version of LilyJAZZ are you using? There are so many of them in
the wild ... Can you send it? Remember that some of them require installation
in LilyPond's internal folders; did you perform that operation if relevant?


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