may help with the second question.

On Tue, Feb 28, 2023 at 5:08 PM TJ Kolev <> wrote:

> Greetings,
> I've decided to notate a brass band piece from a paper copy into some
> digital format that would be easier to edit and transform Picked LilyPond
> and have been using it with Frescobaldi. So far very happy with the whole
> setup.
> I did a couple of instruments, and I am feeling my way through it. You can
> find what I have so far here:
> I've been using the documentation a lot, and there are nice examples.
> However I have some questions I was unable to find answers for. I am hoping
> to get some ideas from this group.
> (1) DrumVoice
> Is there a way to define a default "note" for a drum voice? The piece has
> the bass drum and cymbal playing the same thing (with a two bar exception).
> I currently have the music duplicated, both rendering with the "bd" note.
> It would be nice if each was rendered with its separate note head. I was
> looking for something like this:
> \new DrumVoice *bd* { \voiceOne \stemUp   \bassncymA ... }
>> \new DrumVoice *cymc* { \voiceTwo \stemDown \bassncymA ... }
> Re:
> (2) Copy music and replace bars
> Some of the instruments, for a good part of the piece, play the same
> notes. Or transposition of some notes. Except here and there for a couple
> of bars they play different music. I am looking for a way to do something
> like this:
> new frenchHornMusic = flugHornMusic.Transpose();
> flugHornMusic.Replace(bars(10 through 14), { .... });
> flugHornMusic.Replace(bars(108 through 114), { .... });
> I know I can combine snippets of music, but the above is easier, when only
> a few bars differ. I am OK writing some custom function, and I looked at
> the "Extending" documentation. Could not figure out how the music is
> structured and how to get to the bars (if such an object exists).
> I would appreciate any suggestions for the above issues. Or comments on
> how I am putting together the whole score.
> Cheers!
> tjk :)

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