David Wright <lily...@lionunicorn.co.uk> writes:

> Yes, like lilymidi --pretty, the evidence that there was silence
> at the beginning of the file is circumstantial, necessitating that
> the OP believed I sat through the 160 seconds of silence before
> any notes were played.
> BTW where is the output of lilymidi documented?

A quick `git grep lilymidi` confirms that there is is no documentation
for lilymidi.  Zero, zilch, nada.

It is installed with other binaries and is used by
elisp/lilypond-song.el (but what for?).  I'd have expected it to be used
as part of 'make check' for comparing MIDI outputs, but that doesn't
appear to be the case, either.

So I don't really know how I know about it: probably by typing

lily <TAB>

and getting curious about the completions.  It is a rather handy
checking tool for which I found no obvious substitute in the boxes of
MIDI tools available on a typical GNU/Linux installation.

David Kastrup

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