> Thank you Jean for pointing me to those instructions.  They are very
> clear.  I followed them to the letter.  I used plain cmd -- even in
> admin mode -- and edited the path to where my LilyPond 'bin' is
> located.  I closed/re-opened cmd.  I even restarted the computer.  I
> still get the same message that lilypond-book is not recognized.  I
> even tried using the long version:
> python C:\Users\me\lilypond-2.25.8\bin\lilypond-book.py myfile.ly
> ...edited for my installation, of course, and got:
> 'H:python' is not recognized as an internal or external command,
> operable program or batch file.

'H:python'?  What's that?  Is it possible that you have another Python
installation on your computer?  Can you actually execute

  C:\Users\me\lilypond-2.25.8\bin\python --help


Irrespective of that it might be that the instructions in


for `convert-ly` (these instructions are essentially the same as for
`lilypond-book`) are not completely accurate.  While I tried to check
this on a Windows computer, I'm not a real Windows user at all, and it
is possible that I missed or misrepresented some details.  In
particular, I didn't cover the situation of two different Python
installations in parallel – maybe there are conflicts.


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