I'm going to jump in here and hopely not muddy the waters.

You say that you need to know the terminal and many other things to install
Lilypond 2.24, but I don't think this is true.  I'm not on a Mac; I'm on
Ubuntu GNU/Linux but they are similar, I believe.  First you go to the
download page:


Let's skip MacPorts and HomeBrew and just click on the link in the MacOS
section. Your browser (Safari?) should download this file.  Now, either in
the browser or in the File Finder, go to the download folder (directory)
and open (double-click?) the file.  It should let you extract the
contents.  Choose your Home folder to extract to.

Now you have LilyPond 2.24.2 as "installed" as it's going to be.  What you
do now is up to you.  Do you use Frescobaldi or the terminal or some other
means to edit source files and compile them?  You haven't needed to use the
terminal at all so far and if you choose to use Frescobaldi, you don't have
to use it at all.  It's only if you don't use Frescobaldi that you have to
use the terminal or some other editing program.

I don't think you ever had the ability to just press a button and install
LilyPond.  You still had to download it, like in the instructions above.
The only change is that instead of an installer program you extract
LilyPond to some folder.

Knute Snortum

On Thu, Oct 5, 2023 at 3:01 PM Ian West <ian42w...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Dear David (copied to Jean, and Paul,)
> You are very kind. I shall give it a go. But I think you will have to
> agree that this is some 5 orders (***) of magnitude more complex than
> versions: 2.12.3, 2.18.2-1, and 2.20.0. I never would have got into
> Lilypond were I starting from here.
> But you raise another problem; arm64 or x86_64? I read elsewhere "An
> Apple M1 or M2 processor is also sometimes referred to by the architecture
> name of aarch64 or arm64." Or maybe it does not matter.
> Following the MacPorts route, I hit a bump. "Last login: Thu Oct  5
> 14:05:17 on ttys000
> ianwest@Ians-MacBook-Air ~ % sudo port install lilypond
> Password:
> Error:
> Error: No Xcode installation was found.
> Error: Please install Xcode and/or run xcode-select to specify its
> location.
> Error:
> Error: Port lilypond requires a full Xcode installation, which was not
> found on your system.
> Error: You can install Xcode from the Mac App Store or
> https://developer.apple.com/xcode/
> Error: Follow https://guide.macports.org/#project.tickets if you believe
> there
> is a bug.
> Error: Processing of port lilypond failed
> ianwest@Ians-MacBook-Air ~ %",
> and do not know why this is required. Perhaps I am being naive; should I
> download a zipped lilypond package before trying to install it? Or is it
> integral to the MacPorts business? Well, I tried that, placing the unzipped
> download in the same directory as the MacPorts, but with the same result
> (needing the full set of tools). So I started to download the mentioned
> "tools"; but when I was told it would take 43 hours I aborted.
> (*** The installation of version 2:24.2 assumes that I know how to use
> terminal, how to use MacPorts, know the difference between arm64 and x86_64
> (all I know is that I am using an "Apple M2 chip"), difference between a
> tar.bz2 package or a tar.gz one, that "darwin" mean "MacOS", and much
> more.  Compared with simply clicking, or double clicking. a zipped package.)
> I think Lilypond is spiralling out of my universe. And perhaps out of
> general usefulness.  Pity!  Another day gone from my dwindling stock. There
> is still the music to play!

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