> You are very kind.  I shall give it a go. But I think you will have
> to agree that this is some 5 orders (***) of magnitude more complex
> than versions: 2.12.3, 2.18.2-1, and 2.20.0.  I never would have got
> into Lilypond were I starting from here.

Please always bear in mind that *none* of the core LilyPond developers
is actually using Apple hardware, or at least not by default.  Apple's
license conditions have changed over time – they now mandate that you
*must* use Apple hardware to compile Apple apps; this complicates
matters enormously for us.

> But you raise another problem; arm64 or x86_64? I read elsewhere "An
> Apple M1 or M2 processor is also sometimes referred to by the
> architecture name of aarch64 or arm64." Or maybe it does not matter.

This has been addressed already in another e-mail.

> ianwest@Ians-MacBook-Air ~ % sudo port install lilypond
> Error: Please install Xcode and/or run xcode-select to specify its
>        location.  [...]

Again: license issues, as far as I know (but not from Apple in this
case).  There are some programs, libraries, etc., that MacPorts is not
allowed to distribute in binary form (see thread
for more information).  Instead, they must always be compiled on the
target computer (i.e., the computer you are actually using).  I
currently don't know which one, but at least one of LilyPond's
prerequisites apparently is affected by that.

On the other hand: Installing Xcode is not difficult, and it has to be
done only once.  If you are going to use MacPorts (which I highly
recommend in general) you should do this.

> should I download a zipped lilypond package before trying to install
> it?

This has also already been addressed in another e-mail.  In short: Use
the MacOS binary provided by lilypond.org if you don't want to go the
MacPorts route.


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