Peter Mayes <> writes:

> Here is a fragment of something I am engraving.
>   e( dis e ais, b g |
>   e8) r \afterGrace d'!(\trill { cis32 d }  |
>   c'!16) b^. a^. g^. fis^. e^. | 
> *
> The D following the \afterGrace is slurred up to the C at the beginning of the
> following bar.
> I would also like the "{ cis32 d }" grace notes to be slurred, but if I put 
> "{ cis32( d) }", I
> get a "Warning: already have slur".
> Is there a way to get a "slur within a slur"?
> Thanks in advance


  e( dis e ais, b g |
  e8) r \afterGrace d'!(\trill { cis32\=1( d\=1) }  |
  c'!16) b^. a^. g^. fis^. e^. | 

gives me

and a bar check warning.

David Kastrup

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