On Tue, 2023-12-12 at 14:46 -0800, Stefano Antonelli wrote:
> #(define (add-midi-to-score score)
>    (define (has-midi? score)
>      (any (lambda (x) (ly:output-def-lookup x 'is-midi))
>           (ly:score-output-defs score)))
>    (if (has-midi? score) score
>      #{ \score { $score \midi {} } #}))
> toplevel-score-handler =
> #(lambda (score)
>    (collect-scores-for-book (add-midi-to-score score)))

It seems to me, that in order to make this work, two things need to

1. The whole score collection has to be traversed and \midi counted
   This could be done via toplevel-score-handler and some global

2. If there are no midi blocks, add one.  This is tricker.  Assuming
   there is a toplevel-of-everything-handler, it would be necessary
   to find a score (which one though?) and then add a midi block.

I took a shot at the first one:

#(define midi-count 0)

#(define (has-midi? score)
     (any (lambda (x) (ly:output-def-lookup x 'is-midi #f))
          (ly:score-output-defs score)))

#(define (count-midi-in-score score)
   (if (has-midi? score) (set! midi-count (+ midi-count 1)))

toplevel-score-handler =
#(lambda (score)
   (collect-scores-for-book (count-midi-in-score score)))

midi-count now contains the right number.

What can I do with it?

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