On Nov 4, 2005, at 15:52, Erik Sandberg wrote:

On Friday 04 November 2005 23.12, Markian Hlynka wrote:

7. Finally (for now), I'm having trouble aligning lyrics to music. I
have this:
mainvoice = \relative c
     \key a \minor

     \repeat volta 2
         \partial 8*3
         e8 a8.  [ b16] c2~c8 b16 a gis8. a16 b2 r8

mainwords = \lyricmode{ one -- two -- three -- four five six }

So, the end of sylable four should align with c2~c8.. It does, but
"five" is also under the c2, not under the subsequent b16 where it
belongs. I've tried adding _ and __ and even _ __, but there doesn't
seem to be any effect. Am I doing something wrong? Same problem in
English and Cyrillic.

Please re-read the sections about lyrics carefully. You probably want to use
\lyricsto or \addlyrics.

I see, but I don't understand to what I must "attach" \lyricsto

Also, is there a way to have a main lyrics line for choral stuff, and alternative extra lyrics per voice as needed? ie so the main lyrics only print out once if there's a master staff? Does that make sense?


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