> OK, draft 8 will say:
>    .6 Editorial markings
>      .1 Annotational accidentals (was Musica ficta accidentals)
>         (2.8.4)
>      .2 Ligature brackets (was Ligatures)
>         (

I don't regard ligature brackets as an editorial thing, since it 
is just the modern way to write a ligature.

>      .3 Baroque rhythmic notation (new)
>         (new - KH)

We don't have lilypond examples of this. I have seen this in a Novello
score for Purcells Dido. So I suggest we drop this for the moment.
(Though an ossia section might show what the editor want.)

> Karl - if you meant something different by "slurs", let me know and I'll add 
> it.

For editorial markings I would consider everything (in the score) that
the editor adds that was not in the source, like accidentals, slurs,
etc. So for slurs (accid., etc.), we have the slurs which are in the
source, and they are engraved normally, and we have the slurs that the
editor think should be there for some reason, and they should be engraved
in differently, to mark them as "this was not in the source".
 There are a few different styles for editorial markings, from the top of
my head, smaller, within brackets/parentheses, smaller with a stroke,
possible a few more. So the editorial markings could be anything.

Also, I have not done much editorial markings, I been mostly interested 
of imitating the historic sources. If I would write anything about it, I 
must do some research, to find out dominant styles and how to implement 
them in lilypond, so I consider that more as an future project.

For the moment I suggest we don't have subsection, we write down what 
we have readily available. If it grows to big, then we can split it.

Perhaps the best way to proceed is to start writing an overview of the 
editorial process (not suitable for the Notational Reference?).
I have started such a project, but it won't be ready soon, perhaps to 
the summer or autum.


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