> Trevor Daniels schrieb:
> >     .3 Baroque rhythmic notation (new)
> Karl:
> We don't have lilypond examples of this. I have seen this in a Novello
> score for Purcells Dido. So I suggest we drop this for the moment.
> (Though an ossia section might show what the editor want.)
> We actually do have some in the list somewhere, I remember (was it 
> Nicolas) somthing about using empty note heads for quarter notes or 
> something like that -- that's what I am referring to.

Nice, can you find it?

> I would still put the ligature brackets here, as they are an issue of 
> modern editions and not of ancient notation.

No problem with me, just giving input.

> And about slurs and the like: they are not specific to ancient notation, 
> so they are covered somewhere else in the NR.

You are probably right.


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