Karl Hammar wrote:
On Thu, 17 Jul 2008 09:03:07 +0100
Mark Knoop <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Given the number of emails on this list about slur, tie, etc problems
arising from using the << { ... } \\ { ... } >> polyphony method,
would it perhaps be a good idea to at least include an example of the
"right" way to do it here?

<< { \voiceOne ... } \new Voice { \voiceTwo ... } >> \oneVoice
Is that really the "right" method?  I thought that \\ *was* the
right method... in fact, isn't \\ exactly the same as what you


Why not? I find myself wanting to go into two (or three) voices and back again very frequently when typesetting percussion parts, and the 'right' way is far too long-winded - often it would be longer than the music it encloses. I always use the method given in the second example in NR Percussion Staves, i.e. explicitly instantiating the voices beforehand and using \\, in combination with skip-of-length. Does this count as the right way, or is it still the wrong way? As a user, it would be much easier for me to just be able to tell Lilypond once that I'm doing drums, and then just put the music in, without using any kind of "method" at all.

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