> Karl Hammar wrote:
> > Graham:
> >> On Thu, 17 Jul 2008 09:03:07 +0100
> >> Mark Knoop <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >>
> >>> Given the number of emails on this list about slur, tie, etc problems
> >>> arising from using the << { ... } \\ { ... } >> polyphony method,
> >>> would it perhaps be a good idea to at least include an example of the
> >>> "right" way to do it here?
> >>>
> >>> << { \voiceOne ... } \new Voice { \voiceTwo ... } >> \oneVoice
> >> Is that really the "right" method?  I thought that \\ *was* the
> >> right method... in fact, isn't \\ exactly the same as what you
> >> propose?
> > ...
> > 
> > No,
> Why not? I find myself wanting to go into two (or three) voices and back 
> again very frequently when typesetting percussion parts, and the 'right' 
> way is far too long-winded - often it would be longer than the music it 
> encloses. I always use the method given in the second example in NR 
> Percussion Staves, i.e. explicitly instantiating the voices 
> beforehand and using \\, in combination with skip-of-length. Does this

That is strange, why do you need to do the \new DrumVoice-lines in 
drummode? Example of

         \new DrumStaff <<
           \new DrumVoice = "1" { s1 *2 }
           \new DrumVoice = "2" { s1 *2 }
           \drummode {
             bd4 sn4 bd4 sn4
               { \repeat unfold 16 hh16 }
               { bd4 sn4 bd4 sn4 }

in "normal" mode they is not needed:

        \version "2.11.52"
        \new Staff
        \relative g' {
          f4 c' f, c'
            { \repeat unfold 16 e16 }
            { f,4 c'4 f,4 c'4 }

This "looks" about the same.
> count as the right way, or is it still the wrong way? As a user, it 
> would be much easier for me to just be able to tell Lilypond once that 
> I'm doing drums, and then just put the music in, without using any kind 
> of "method" at all.

Ok, what happens if you replace the bd4 sn4 etc. with the snares from
last example of ? By doing it this way, a tie is missing:

        \version "2.11.52"
        \new DrumStaff <<
          \new DrumVoice = "1" { s1 *2 }
          \new DrumVoice = "2" { s1 *2 }
          \drummode {
            sn16 sn8 sn16 sn8 sn8:32~ sn8 sn8 sn4:32~ |
              { \repeat unfold 16 hh16 }
              { sn4 sn8 sn16 sn16 sn4 r4  }


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