> On 2008/08/18 2:52 PM, "Neil Puttock" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > ... unfortunately, it's not clear from the regression
> tests for ancient music
> > since they are so small and the change in
> spacing is barely visible unless you
> > have a fair sized example.
> I happen to have a fair-sized example at hand -- the Salve Regina antiphon
> (from 1st Vespers of the Feast of the Blessed Trinity to None on Saturday
> before the 1st Sunday of Advent) that I transcribed for use as a headword to
> the ancient music section of the GDP manual.
> I'd be happy to send it and a copy of my source document and the more
> ornamented version from the LU, if you think it would help in regression
> testing.
> >From what I've seen, the longer the melisma, the worse it's affected.
> Kurt

You can use Tdiessancti.ly (page 409--410 in [1]) or Theac.ly (page 805)
available from [2]. Unfortunately the ornaments didn't work that well 
so I omitted them.


[1] http://www.musicasacra.com/pdf/liberusualis.pdf
[2] http://turkos.aspodata.se/noter/palestrina/dies_sanctificatus/

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