Op donderdag 11-06-2009 om 07:11 uur [tijdzone +0200], schreef Helge

Hi Helge,

> >     apt-get install skype
> You are right, you find one point on the list, that is ported to Linux.

But that's important!  Possibly you started off with a list 
of things that you couldn't do with Linux.  That list is shrinking
while we speak.  It is interesting that you should complain about
something not working when it does, and apparently much sooner
than you expected!

> I don't say that you, Jan, should port any of theses programs. I 
> understand "you" as "you, outside in the world". Sorry if this was 
> misleading.

Ah, that's a relief.  Now listen-up fellow LilyPond developers
and users: I'm not going to help you as I just got relieved from
this task, but will *you* please port Platform Builder 6.0 to Linux, so
that Helge may switch to Ubuntu?

I'm saying please, but you may take this as an order!  ;-)

Platform Builder 6.0 is a beautiful piece of software which, when ported
to Linux may greatly help Microsoft advance their dieing mobile and
embedded OS solutions -- and may almost enable Helge to switch to
Ubuntu.  So, what are you waiting for!?

Helge, to avoid burdening our community with an unnecessary load
of work, could you please check if Platform Builder 6.0 runs in
wine, on Ubuntu Jaunty?  Thanks!

> Does this mean that I have to use Open Source exclusively and have no 
> possibility to pay for a good software job anymore?

My advice would be that you can and should do whatever you think is

Personally, I believe that advocating, using and developing free
software helps the world more, and makes you happier than paying for 
and/or using proprietary software.  Sometimes using proprietary
software can hardly be avoided and feeling bad about that does
not help anyone either.

> Yep. The OP asked for MIDI file generating. I write harp scores for my 
> friends and me. I use Lilypond, since I get the best score even with 
> special requirements.

Thanks!  Can we see them, are they published on the web?


Jan Nieuwenhuizen <jann...@gnu.org> | GNU LilyPond - The music typesetter
AvatarĀ®: http://AvatarAcademy.nl    | http://lilypond.org

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