Hi Michael,

>> Clearly, this doesn't require tagging "every note with a different tag" — 
>> you simply tag the notes for different editions as you need them.
> Perhaps I should have just answered this point directly. The problem is
> that I don't know what the "different editions" will be. They are to be
> determined in the future, and it is much better to develop them without
> manually changing (even a copy of) the original data from the MS.

Ah… Then I would suggest the following thought experiment, however ungainly it 
may seem at first.

If someone with real Scheme-fu could build a function that took a series of 
moments and tweaks, you might be able to do something like

ms = \relative e'' {
   e4 e c d   |
   e e e2   |

correctionsEditionA = {
  \coolSchemeFunction #'(ly:make-moment 0 1) #'pitch #-2
\markup { EDITION A: }
\score { \new Voice << \ms \correctionsEditionA >> }

correctionsEditionB = {
  \coolSchemeFunction #'(ly:make-moment 0 1) #'script #'staccato
\markup { EDITION B: }
\score { \new Voice << \ms \correctionsEditionB >> }


Now any editor simply needs to build a series of tweaks which are "overlaid" on 
the original — like a transparency of bowings might be overlaid on [and easily 
removed from] a violin part — without affecting the original in any way.

This is WAY beyond my ken, so there might be [probably are] many tweaks that 
would not be possible.

Hope this helps!

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