
I've created a score using Lilypond 2.12.2 (source code is at the
end). Unfortunately there are two things which I haven't been able to
1- The text "Da capo al Fine", which appears right at the end - or at
least should, is displayed as "Da capo al Fin". This, of course, is
because the whole line does not fit in the page. How can I move it to
the left so that it fits?
2- On the first page, the first system appears right on top and the
second one on the bottom. On the second page, the second system
appears on the middle of the page, and the bottom part looks empty.
How can I make the pages look consistent?

Thanks in advance.

The aforementioned code:

\version "2.12.2"

#(set-default-paper-size "letter")

\header {
  title =       "Himno de los Andes"
  subtitle =    \markup { \small "Voces mixtas" }
  composer =     "Luis Antonio Escobar"
  tagline = { }

global = {
  \time 4/4
  \key c \minor
  \override Score.RehearsalMark #'break-visibility = #begin-of-line-invisible
  \override Score.RehearsalMark #'direction = #down
  \skip1*12 \mark "Fine" \break
  \skip1*14 \mark \markup {\small "Da capo al Fine"}

ErstS = <<
  ees2 ees4 g bes2. bes4 g ees f2 bes, ees4. f8 g4 f8 ees bes'4. aes8 g2
  ees4. ees8 ees4 ees aes2 bes4 bes c2 aes c4 bes ~ bes aes g ees f2 d4 aes' g1
  c4 bes8 aes g2 bes2 bes4 g bes2 g r4 ees f g aes g aes bes c2.
  c4 c2( a4) c c2( a2) c c ~ c a ~ a r4 bes aes2 g4 ees aes aes f d ees1

ErstC = <<
  ees2 ees4 g bes2. bes4 g ees f2 bes, ees4. f8 g4 f8 ees bes'4. aes8 g2
  ees4. ees8 ees4 ees aes2 g4 g aes2 aes ees4 g ~ g f ees ees f2 d ees1
  c'4 bes8 aes g2 bes2 bes4 g bes2 g r4 ees f g ees ees ees ees ees2.
  c'4 c2( a4) c c2( a2) a a ~ a e ~ e r4 bes' aes2 g4 ees c c d d ees1

ErstT = <<
  ees'4( d) c bes g2. g4 bes g bes2 bes ees4 d c8 bes aes g f4. bes8 ees,2
  c'4. c8 c4 c des2 des4 des ees2 aes, f'4 ees ~ ees d ees ees c2 d ees1
  c4 bes8 aes g2 bes2 bes4 g bes2 g r4 ees' des bes c bes c des c2.
  aes4 a2( f4) ees' e2( f) ees e ~ e c ~ c r2 r1 aes4 aes bes bes g1

ErstB = <<
  ees2 ees4 d ees2. ees4 ees ees d2 bes2 ees4. d8 ees4 d8 c d4. d8 ees2
  aes4. aes8 g4 ges4 f2 ees4 ees aes2 aes a4 bes ~ bes b c g aes2 bes ees,1
  c'4 bes8 aes g2 bes2 bes4 g bes2 g r4 ees4 ees ees aes4 bes aes g aes2.
  aes4 f2 f4 a g2 f aes a ~ a a ~ a r2 r1 f4 f bes bes ees,1

letraGlobal = \lyricmode {
  En2 lo4 más al2. -- to4 de la pa2 -- tria, \skip2.. lu8 -- ce4. --
ro_a8 -- zul.2
  U4. -- ni8 -- ver4 -- si -- dad2 de4 los An2 -- des, a4 -- mor,2 ho4
-- nor y ju2 -- ven -- tud.1
  En4 nues8 -- tra voz2 can2 -- ta4 la pa2 -- tria, \skip4 y_u4 -- na
pa -- la -- bra tri -- co -- lor:2.
  Co4 -- lom2 -- bia,4 Co -- lom2 -- bia, Co -- lom1 -- bia, \skip2*3
nues4 -- tro co -- ra -- zón.1

letraHembras = <<
\lyricmode {
  \skip2*7 res4. -- plan8 -- de4 -- ce_un8 \skip4. \skip1*18 fla4 --
me2 -- a4 en

letraTenor = <<
\lyricmode {
  \skip2*7 res4 -- plan -- de8 -- ce un

letraBajo = <<
\lyricmode {
  \skip2*7 res4. -- plan8 -- de4 -- ce_un8

\score {

\new ChoirStaff<<

\new Staff {
\new Voice = "soprano" \relative g' {
  \set Staff.instrumentName = #"Soprano"
  \clef treble
\new Lyrics {
  \set associatedVoice = "soprano" \letraHembras

\new Staff {
\new Voice = "contralto" \relative g' {
  \set Staff.instrumentName = #"Contralto"
  \clef treble
\new Lyrics {
  \set associatedVoice = "contralto" \letraHembras

\new Staff {
\new Voice = "tenor" \relative g {
  \set Staff.instrumentName = #"Tenor"
  \clef "treble_8"
\new Lyrics {
  \set associatedVoice = "tenor" \letraTenor

\new Staff {
\new Voice = "bajo" \relative a {
  \set Staff.instrumentName = #"Bajo"
  \clef bass
\new Lyrics {
  \set associatedVoice = "bajo" \letraBajo

\layout { }

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