Sorry, I've just noticed I didn't send this message to the whole list.

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Fibonacci Prower <>
Date: 2010/3/30
Subject: Re: Consistent page layout
To: Phil Holmes <>

Thank you, that takes care of the first problem.

The second is still unresolved, though.

2010/3/30 Phil Holmes <>:
> Hi,
> I can't answer the question about spacing on the page, but you can cure the
> problem with the text going off the page by right-aligning them using
>  \override Score.RehearsalMark #'self-alignment-X = #RIGHT
> in your global block.  See the notation reference, 1.8.1 Writing Text -
> Snippets.
> --
> Phil Holmes
> ----- Original Message ----- From: "Fibonacci Prower"
> <>
> To: <>
> Sent: Tuesday, March 30, 2010 5:37 PM
> Subject: Consistent page layout
> Hello.
> I've created a score using Lilypond 2.12.2 (source code is at the
> end). Unfortunately there are two things which I haven't been able to
> fix:
> 1- The text "Da capo al Fine", which appears right at the end - or at
> least should, is displayed as "Da capo al Fin". This, of course, is
> because the whole line does not fit in the page. How can I move it to
> the left so that it fits?
> 2- On the first page, the first system appears right on top and the
> second one on the bottom. On the second page, the second system
> appears on the middle of the page, and the bottom part looks empty.
> How can I make the pages look consistent?
> Thanks in advance.
> The aforementioned code:
> \version "2.12.2"
> #(set-default-paper-size "letter")
> \header {
>  title = "Himno de los Andes"
>  subtitle = \markup { \small "Voces mixtas" }
>  composer = "Luis Antonio Escobar"
>  tagline = { }
> }
> global = {
>  \time 4/4
>  \key c \minor
>  \override Score.RehearsalMark #'break-visibility = #begin-of-line-invisible
>  \override Score.RehearsalMark #'direction = #down
>  \skip1*12 \mark "Fine" \break
>  \skip1*14 \mark \markup {\small "Da capo al Fine"}
> }
> ErstS = <<
> \global
> {
>  ees2 ees4 g bes2. bes4 g ees f2 bes, ees4. f8 g4 f8 ees bes'4. aes8 g2
>  ees4. ees8 ees4 ees aes2 bes4 bes c2 aes c4 bes ~ bes aes g ees f2 d4 aes'
> g1
>  c4 bes8 aes g2 bes2 bes4 g bes2 g r4 ees f g aes g aes bes c2.
>  c4 c2( a4) c c2( a2) c c ~ c a ~ a r4 bes aes2 g4 ees aes aes f d ees1
> }
> ErstC = <<
> \global
> {
>  ees2 ees4 g bes2. bes4 g ees f2 bes, ees4. f8 g4 f8 ees bes'4. aes8 g2
>  ees4. ees8 ees4 ees aes2 g4 g aes2 aes ees4 g ~ g f ees ees f2 d ees1
>  c'4 bes8 aes g2 bes2 bes4 g bes2 g r4 ees f g ees ees ees ees ees2.
>  c'4 c2( a4) c c2( a2) a a ~ a e ~ e r4 bes' aes2 g4 ees c c d d ees1
> }
> ErstT = <<
> \global
> {
>  ees'4( d) c bes g2. g4 bes g bes2 bes ees4 d c8 bes aes g f4. bes8 ees,2
>  c'4. c8 c4 c des2 des4 des ees2 aes, f'4 ees ~ ees d ees ees c2 d ees1
>  c4 bes8 aes g2 bes2 bes4 g bes2 g r4 ees' des bes c bes c des c2.
>  aes4 a2( f4) ees' e2( f) ees e ~ e c ~ c r2 r1 aes4 aes bes bes g1
> }
> ErstB = <<
> \global
> {
>  ees2 ees4 d ees2. ees4 ees ees d2 bes2 ees4. d8 ees4 d8 c d4. d8 ees2
>  aes4. aes8 g4 ges4 f2 ees4 ees aes2 aes a4 bes ~ bes b c g aes2 bes ees,1
>  c'4 bes8 aes g2 bes2 bes4 g bes2 g r4 ees4 ees ees aes4 bes aes g aes2.
>  aes4 f2 f4 a g2 f aes a ~ a a ~ a r2 r1 f4 f bes bes ees,1
> }
> letraGlobal = \lyricmode {
>  En2 lo4 más al2. -- to4 de la pa2 -- tria, \skip2.. lu8 -- ce4. --
> ro_a8 -- zul.2
>  U4. -- ni8 -- ver4 -- si -- dad2 de4 los An2 -- des, a4 -- mor,2 ho4
> -- nor y ju2 -- ven -- tud.1
>  En4 nues8 -- tra voz2 can2 -- ta4 la pa2 -- tria, \skip4 y_u4 -- na
> pa -- la -- bra tri -- co -- lor:2.
>  Co4 -- lom2 -- bia,4 Co -- lom2 -- bia, Co -- lom1 -- bia, \skip2*3
> nues4 -- tro co -- ra -- zón.1
> }
> letraHembras = <<
> \letraGlobal
> \lyricmode {
>  \skip2*7 res4. -- plan8 -- de4 -- ce_un8 \skip4. \skip1*18 fla4 --
> me2 -- a4 en
> }
> letraTenor = <<
> \letraGlobal
> \lyricmode {
>  \skip2*7 res4 -- plan -- de8 -- ce un
> }
> letraBajo = <<
> \letraGlobal
> \lyricmode {
>  \skip2*7 res4. -- plan8 -- de4 -- ce_un8
> }
> \score {
> \new ChoirStaff<<
> \new Staff {
> <<
> \new Voice = "soprano" \relative g' {
>  \set Staff.instrumentName = #"Soprano"
>  \clef treble
>  \ErstS
> }
> \new Lyrics {
>  \set associatedVoice = "soprano" \letraHembras
> }
> }
> \new Staff {
> <<
> \new Voice = "contralto" \relative g' {
>  \set Staff.instrumentName = #"Contralto"
>  \clef treble
>  \ErstC
> }
> \new Lyrics {
>  \set associatedVoice = "contralto" \letraHembras
> }
> }
> \new Staff {
> <<
> \new Voice = "tenor" \relative g {
>  \set Staff.instrumentName = #"Tenor"
>  \clef "treble_8"
>  \ErstT
> }
> \new Lyrics {
>  \set associatedVoice = "tenor" \letraTenor
> }
> }
> \new Staff {
> <<
> \new Voice = "bajo" \relative a {
>  \set Staff.instrumentName = #"Bajo"
>  \clef bass
>  \ErstB
> }
> \new Lyrics {
>  \set associatedVoice = "bajo" \letraBajo
> }
> }
> \layout { }
> }
> --
> $0='!/msfQ0yjoV!fe!sfldbi!psup!pmpT'x19xor print+map{("\e[7m \e[0m",
> chr ord(chop$0)-1)[$_].("\n")[++$i%72]}split//,unpack'B*',pack'H*',(
> $P='F'x18)."8186078739E1F0F0E19FCF333319CCE6667383CF0733099E67E7F39"
> ."FCF3333218067E7F39FCF3333319E6666739F860787399E70F0E1$P"#Perl rulz
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> lilypond-user mailing list

$0='!/msfQ0yjoV!fe!sfldbi!psup!pmpT'x19xor print+map{("\e[7m \e[0m",
chr ord(chop$0)-1)[$_].("\n")[++$i%72]}split//,unpack'B*',pack'H*',(
."FCF3333218067E7F39FCF3333319E6666739F860787399E70F0E1$P"#Perl rulz

$0='!/msfQ0yjoV!fe!sfldbi!psup!pmpT'x19xor print+map{("\e[7m \e[0m",
chr ord(chop$0)-1)[$_].("\n")[++$i%72]}split//,unpack'B*',pack'H*',(
."FCF3333218067E7F39FCF3333319E6666739F860787399E70F0E1$P"#Perl rulz

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