Bernardo Barros wrote:
> Like this?
>    c'^\markup \woodfing
>                 #'(#t #t #f #t #t #t "g#" "D##"
>                    (markup (#:natural)))
> (doesn't work here)

Just make the markup(s) separate arguments (not part of
the scheme list).  See the attachment.

- Mark

\version "2.13.18"

  (woodfing layout props fingers accidental)
  (list? markup?)
  "Woodwind fingerings."
  (interpret-markup layout props
     (#:override '(baseline-skip . 1.5)
       (#:halign 1
         (#:line (#:simple " "
                  #:override '(font-size . -3)
                 #:simple " "
                 #:simple " "
                 #:line (#:override '(font-size . -2)
                           (seventh fingers)))))
       #:override '(baseline-skip . 1.5)
          (#:draw-circle 0.5 0.1 (first fingers)
           #:draw-circle 0.5 0.1 (second fingers)
           #:draw-circle 0.5 0.1 (third fingers)
           #:draw-circle 0.5 0.1 (fourth fingers)
           #:draw-circle 0.5 0.1 (fifth fingers)
           #:draw-circle 0.5 0.1 (sixth fingers)
           #:override '(font-size . -2) (eighth fingers)))))))

  c'^\markup \woodfing #'(#t #t #f #t #t #t "g#" "D#")
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