On Sep 23, 2010, at 10:19 PM, James Wilkinson wrote:

> \version 2.13.31
> When I put two voices on the same staff that have identical markings for 
> dynamics and tempo, Lilypond prints them both, one above the other. Looking 
> in the archives the other day I saw that the approved solution is to pull 
> these markings out and attach them to another voice that is all spaces. Now I 
> can't find those postings. They were from 2003 as I remember. Do we have 
> multiple archives of the mailing list? Or maybe I should just go check myself 
> into a nursing home. :(
> Back to my original question: if Lilypond can see that one of these things 
> needs to be moved, how hard  would it be to have it determine that they are 
> identical and just not print one of them?
> I don't even know whether this is a request for a new feature or for a 
> pointer to an existing one.
> thanks

Do you mean:
or possibly

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