Carl Sorensen <c_sorensen <at>> writes:

> Keith OHara <k-ohara5a5a <at>> writes:
> > Carl Sorensen <c_sorensen <at>> writes:
> > > 
> > > I got it to work successfully with the following change:
> > >   [...]
> > > The lyrics were still a little bit high, however.
> > 
> > That's an effect of using the same spacing between the center of the staff 
> > the *baseline* of the lyrics whether they are above or below.
> > 
> It's not the absolute position of the lyrics that I found to be wrong; it's
> the difference in position between the first and second systems.
> Do you have an explanation for why the lyrics fit tightly above the staff in
> the first system, but not in the second system?

Now I see what you mean.

The staves get spaced first, leaving only the room the Lyrics and Dynamics, 
etc. *need* to have 'padding around their glyphs and 'minimum-distance from the 
staff center.  Then the Lyrics and Dynamic and FiguredBasses negotiate among 
themselves for the space based what they *want* for 'basic-distance and 

The top staff wanted to get close to the top margin and didn't leave the top-
row Lyrics as much room as they wanted.  Either increasing Lyrics's 'minimum-
distance or decreasing their 'basic-distance or increasing the top-system-
spacing will even things up.  

I looked into the corresponding problem at the bottom of the page while 
adjusting defaults, but decided just to make only what I knew were 
improvements, and not guess about Lyrics (which I do not use myself).

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