On Wed, Jan 19, 2011 at 11:58:46PM +0100, Jan Warchoł wrote:
> Graham,
> 2011/1/19 Graham Percival <gra...@percival-music.ca>:
> > If necessary, we can pretend that it's deliberate (after noting it
> > in the Changes document), call it a non-regression, make it
> > non-critical, and have a release.  That's no reason to not submit
> > a good bug report about it now.
> Indeed i thought that vertical spacing is simply intended to work this
> way and that it's not a bug. I thought that this would just be an
> enhancement suggestion, with slight chances to have a high priority.
> Clearly i'm wrong.

I wouldn't say "clearly" -- I have no clue what we're talking
about.  I ignore almost all discussion about lyrics, so I don't
know what kind of "odd vertical spacing" you're talking about.  My
goal is just to clear up misunderstandings about reporting bugs
and/or our release policy.

I saw Mike write "... get this fixed in one of the first 2.14 bug
fixes..." and you responded with "this issue is important and
potentially widespread... I suppose that's what we should do:
release 2.14 and fix this issue thoroughly soon after that".

Regardless of the actual issue -- again, I don't know what the
code looks like or what the image looks like -- if two people are
wondering if it's a bug, then I want a proper bug report, and I
want the bug squad to add it to the tracker.  Do not think about
releases, do not think about scheduling programmers, do not pass
go, do not collect $200 [1].  Just send in the report.

[1] that's a common joke in English.

Maybe a developer will say "not a bug; this is an enhancement".
That's fine!  Changing the tags on issues is not a problem; this
is part of our normal workflow.  You shouldn't worry about that,
and the bug squad shouldn't worry about that.  You send in the
report.  The bug squad looks for any obvious omissions, then
either asks you for more info, or adds it to the tracker.  If the
issue is added as defect-critical-regression, and ends up being
enhancement-low-frog, that's ok!

- Graham

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