2011/12/22 -Eluze <elu...@gmail.com>:
>> Ciao Andy, no news.
>> Does anybody know how can I set up a mailing list on gnu.org?
>> I should have been more esplicit: hey italian users, what about creating
>> an italian mailing list? Can you help? :-)

I meant: help with replying to users' questions

> a neat alternative is smf (used by the German list:
> http://www.lilypondforum.de/index.php )

I don't like forums.
And most of all: I don't want to have to set up and maintain a forum
on a website.

A mailing list is perfect.
I would prefer being on gnu.org, as most of lilypond mailing list
(french and spain for example) are there.
But I can't find a place which explains how to create a new mailing
list on gnu.org

I found this page, but it seems that you need some privileges to
create a new mailing list:

lilypond-user mailing list

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