At Sun, 11 Mar 2012 08:12:35 +0100, wrote:
> The best way to achieve that with current LilyPond is Scheme engravers.
> There have been a few examples of Scheme engravers posted on this list (if 
> you search Scheme engraver you'll find one - there are also examples in the 
> input/regression folder of the LilyPond source).  You'd want to create one 
> that begins and ends a spanner when it hears a given event (you can invent a 
> BoxNoteEvent, for example) and acknowledges note columns in the interim, 
> putting them in a grob-array called "note-columns" or what-have-you.  Then, 
> make a print method that extracts these note columns (or whatever grobs 
> you're interested in) finds the min/max height and width, and draws a box at 
> those dimensions.
> If you want to get fancy, you can add extra spacing width to the left of the 
> first note column and the right of the last note column to make sure there 
> are no collisions with the box and surrounding material.

I see... would it be too much to ask you to send your engraver to me (off list 
if you prefer)? That's of course assuming you developed one for your own music. 
Normally I don't mind doing some research and experimentation on my own, but in 
this case --

- This is for a concert that will be in mid-May, for which I'm writing a new 
piece and I will have to rehearse everything else as well.

- I'm also turning some students loose on a big SuperCollider interface to 
connect webcam (and maybe iphone) data to sound parameters. Lots of bugs 
popping up there. That will probably be on the same concert.

- Full-time teaching schedule.

I worry that I wouldn't have time to cobble together enough scheme knowledge 
(starting from nothing) to put together my own engraver... by which I mean, I'm 
really under serious time pressure and if this is going to take, oh, more than 
a couple of hours, it's more than I can afford right now. (I'm estimating 10-15 

I'd really appreciate it -- otherwise, I'll find another way to notate the idea.


James Harkins /// dewdrop world

"Come said the Muse,
Sing me a song no poet has yet chanted,
Sing me the universal."  -- Whitman

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