On 3/11/12 12:53 AM, "James Harkins" <jamshar...@gmail.com> wrote:

>At Sun, 11 Mar 2012 08:12:35 +0100,
>m...@apollinemike.com wrote:
>> The best way to achieve that with current LilyPond is Scheme engravers.
>> There have been a few examples of Scheme engravers posted on this list
>>(if you search Scheme engraver you'll find one - there are also examples
>>in the input/regression folder of the LilyPond source).  You'd want to
>>create one that begins and ends a spanner when it hears a given event
>>(you can invent a BoxNoteEvent, for example) and acknowledges note
>>columns in the interim, putting them in a grob-array called
>>"note-columns" or what-have-you.  Then, make a print method that
>>extracts these note columns (or whatever grobs you're interested in)
>>finds the min/max height and width, and draws a box at those dimensions.
>> If you want to get fancy, you can add extra spacing width to the left
>>of the first note column and the right of the last note column to make
>>sure there are no collisions with the box and surrounding material.
>I see... would it be too much to ask you to send your engraver to me (off
>list if you prefer)? That's of course assuming you developed one for your
>own music. Normally I don't mind doing some research and experimentation
>on my own, but in this case --

You might offer a bounty to Mike or to David Kastrup, in which case they
would write the custom engraver for you.



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