On Tue, 12 Jun 2012 00:22:55 -0500
Tim McNamara <tim...@bitstream.net> wrote:

> I think that this could simplify the syntax by creating a standard
> skeleton for .ly files going from most global to most specific:
> \version information
> \paper information
> \form information (number of bars, repeat locations, bars-per-line,
> rehearsal mark locations, number of staves, instruments/voices,
> \clef, \key, \time, etc.)
> \music information (could be \notes (including percussion),
> \chordnames or \lyrics)
> I think that the \score block could possibly be eliminated if the
> required information was specified in the other blocks; much of that
> information would be under \form (e.g., how many staves and what
> information is assigned to those staves).  There could be one method
> for engraving chord names and lyrics instead of multiple methods.
> But it may be that there would be no practical way to separate form
> information into its own block separate from note/chord information.

This sounds at least a little like the way I usually organize my
scores, though the \score block becomes necessary at least for deciding
*how* to put all of the formal and musical elements together:

%%% code snippet begins 
\version "2.[whatever]"

\paper {}

Form = {
  % key, time, and form elements, usually referenced in an
  % included file

Notes = {
  % note information, also usually referenced in an include file

\score {
  \new Staff << 
    % put it all together!

  \layout {}
  %\midi {} 
%%% code snippet ends

So while there may be more graceful ways to ask for four-bar lines
(something in layout, perhaps, like \four-bar-lines = ##t? but that
brings up its own problems), it's already pretty easy separate the
formal and musical elements -- and in ways that are suggested and
supported in the official documentation. 

Josiah Boothby

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