
while transcribing a piece of music, I realized that it may work better if written with a different rhythm, so I used the Frescobaldi option which reduces the rhythms by an half. Then I removed all the bar checks.

But I cannot compile this modified file and I don't have a clue of the reason why. Below you find the verbose output and the error message. Is it enough to figure out what the error can be?

It's copyright music so I cannot post it here. If someone wants to see the file I'll send it privately.

Thanks in advance,

%% Output

Interpreting music...
In /home/fede/lilypond-git/out/share/lilypond/current/ly/init.ly:
  61: 11* (let* ((book-handler #)) (cond (# #) (# #)))
  64: 12  (cond (# #) (# #))
In /home/fede/lilypond-git/out/share/lilypond/current/scm/lily-library.scm:
213: 13 [ly:book-process #<Book> #< Output_def> #< Output_def> "HalfwayHome"]
In unknown file:
?: 14* [determine-frets #<Context TabVoice=tab first voice () > (#) (# #)]
   ?: 15* (letrec (# # # # ...) (let* # #))
In /home/fede/lilypond-git/out/share/lilypond/current/scm/translation-functions.scm:
 511: 16  (let* (# # # # ...) (if # # #))
 540: 17  (let* ((string-frets #)) (if (null? grob) string-frets ...))
 541: 18* [determine-frets-and-strings (#) (8) (()) ...]
In unknown file:
   ?: 19  (letrec (# # # # ...) (let* # # # ...))
In /home/fede/lilypond-git/out/share/lilypond/current/scm/translation-functions.scm:
 397: 20  (let* (# #) (for-each # pitch-alist ...) ...)
401: 21* [for-each #<procedure #f (pitch-entry string-fret-finger)> ((# . 0)) ...]
In unknown file:
?: 22* [#<procedure #f (pitch-entry string-fret-finger)> (#<Pitch g > . 0) (8 #f)] In /home/fede/lilypond-git/out/share/lilypond/current/scm/translation-functions.scm: 403: 23* (let* ((string #) (finger #) (pitch #) (digit #)) (if (or # #) (if # # #))) 411: 24 (if (or (not #) (eq? digit 0)) (if (eq? digit 0) (let # #) (let # #)))
424: 25 (let ((this-fret #) (handle-negative #)) (cond (# #) (# #) (# #)))
 425: 26* [calc-fret #<Pitch g > 8 ...]
 313: 27  [* 2 ...
 313: 28* [- -5/2 ...
 313: 29* [ly:pitch-tones ...
 313: 30* [list-ref (#<Pitch e' > #<Pitch b > #<Pitch g > ...) {7}]

translation-functions.scm: In procedure list-ref in expression (list-ref tuning (1- string)):
translation-functions.scm: Argument 2 out of range: 7

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