Hi Pierre,  I tried your suggestion:

> restmusic =   \relative f {
>   \override Rest #'Y-offset = #0
>   \cadenzaOn
>   ...
> }

But it put the whole and half rests on a ledger line in the middle of the 
custom staff, which was not really what I wanted.  

I tried to figure out a way to globally override the rest positioning for 
different voices on the same staff -- something like this:

But it doesn't look like it's possible to specify, at the level of a custom 
staff context, that "the rests in the 1st voice on this type of staff get 
positioned here, and those in the 2nd voice get positioned there," etc.

So I revised my function so it would let you manually turn off/on the custom 
rest positions when you have more than one voice on a staff (see attached 

After getting that working I checked to see if anything changed between v. 2.16 
to 2.17.19  And I'm really glad to say that in 2.17.19 the positioning of the 
rests was almost exactly what I wanted by default!  The only ones that needed 
re-positioning were the rarer ones that were longer than a whole rest.  Also 
the dots on about half of the rests also still needed re-positioning.  

If I'd known this before I probably wouldn't have gone to the trouble of 
writing my function.  It seems like overkill now.  (A good reason to start 
using or at least testing with the dev version sooner in the future.)  At any 
rate, big thanks to all those working on improving LilyPond with each new 

I revised my function for use with 2.17.19 -- see attached.  While it would be 
nice if you didn't have to manually turn the overrides on and off when there 
are more than one voice on a staff, at least now this is only needed for rests 
that are longer than a whole rest, which do not occur that often.

-Paul Morris

Attachment: shiftRests2.pdf
Description: Adobe PDF document

Attachment: shiftRests2.ly
Description: Binary data

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