> > The only ones that needed re-positioning were the rarer ones
> > that were longer than a whole rest.  Also the dots on about half of
> > the rests also still needed re-positioning.
> Could you elaborate?

See the attached files.  This one makes it clearer than the previous one.  The 
red rests and blue dots are the ones my function has moved.  

The 3 longest rests are lower on the custom staff than I wanted, so my function 
moves them up to where they usually are on the standard staff, but then the 
dots became centered vertically on the longest two rests.  So my function moves 
those dots up where they usually appear.

Dots were also centered vertically on quarter, 8th, and 16th rests on the 
custom staff, so my function moves them up to their usual position.  

I also show some staves with different line patterns where the Y-offset of the 
rests is manually set to 0.  Sometimes the dots are centered on the rests, and 
sometimes they are in their usual position (half a staff space higher).  

This is odd since the dot position apparently depends on the staff line 
pattern.  I suppose that the dots might be centered by default on the rest and 
then be shifted up to avoid a line through the middle of the rest.  (However, 
on one of the staves they appear in their usual position even though there is 
no line to avoid.)

-Paul Morris

Attachment: shiftRests3.pdf
Description: Adobe PDF document

Attachment: shiftRests3.ly
Description: Binary data

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